Yes! We recommend trimming back plants and bushes, moving outdoor furniture away from the house, and ensuring that windows and doors are closed. Our team will handle pressure washing, surface repairs, and priming as part of the preparation process.
To keep your exterior looking fresh, we recommend annual power washing to remove dirt and mildew. Inspect for chipping or peeling and schedule touch-ups as needed. Keeping gutters clean and trimming vegetation away from painted surfaces will also help prolong the life of your paint job.
A high-quality exterior paint job can last anywhere from 5 to 10 years, depending on the type of surface, the quality of paint used, and weather conditions. Regular maintenance, such as power washing and touch-ups, can help extend its lifespan.
We take great care to protect your property by covering plants, driveways, and outdoor furniture with drop cloths and plastic sheeting. We also use careful application techniques to minimize overspray and keep your home’s surroundings clean.
The best time to paint is during dry seasons with mild temperatures, typically spring and summer. In the Bay Area, we recommend scheduling your exterior painting between late spring and early fall to avoid rain and humidity, which can affect drying time and adhesion.
Bay Area Painting Inc. specialize in top-tier exterior painting services that enhance the beauty and longevity of your home. With over 25 years of experience, we know that a fresh coat of paint does more than improve curb appeal—it also protects your home from weather damage, moisture, and wear.
Our professional painters take the time to prep every surface properly, ensuring a flawless, long-lasting finish. Whether you’re looking to refresh your siding, revamp your deck, or add a crisp new color to your trim and doors, we’ve got you covered.
Contact us today to schedule your free consultation!
Fences play a vital role in defining your outdoor space, and a fresh coat of paint or stain keeps them looking their best. We handle everything from wooden to metal fencing, ensuring proper cleaning, priming, and sealing for maximum durability and weather resistance. Our process enhances both aesthetics and longevity, so your fence remains sturdy and attractive for years to come.
Unlike other companies that make you fill out a contact form and then take a couple days to call or email you, our staff receives your request and will reach out to you right away! We value your time and thank you for choosing us.
We take pride in delivering top-quality craftsmanship and exceptional service to our customers. With over 25 years of experience in the painting industry, we understand what each home needs to look its best. Our goal is to provide you with beautiful, lasting results you can count on!
Once you’ve selected the services you need, you don’t have to wait around for weeks for us to serve you. You can tell us what day and time works best for you and select an open spot on our schedule right away! Pretty easy huh!